Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Blog #1: Top Five Sources of News and Information

     We are lucky enough to live in a world where an astounding amount of information is right at our fingertips. There are plenty of different platforms that people can go to in order to retrieve that information.

Source 1

The way I obtain most of my information--whether that be breaking international headlines or comparatively trivial information about the newest Hollywood gossip--is through Instagram. Instagram is one of the largest social media apps to date. What I love so much about this app is that it has both picture grid content and short-form video content. In my opinion, it keeps the app more interesting and less stale while also helping me digest more information.

Source 2 

Another platform that I rely on to learn about certain topics is Youtube. Like Instagram, Youtube is another very large social media app. While Instagram is--for the most part--all short-form content, Youtube offers longer content. Youtube videos can be as long as a creator wants them to be. Oftentimes, when I see something I am interested in on Instagram, I will go on Youtube when I have more time to dig even deeper into the topic. I would like to clarify that Youtube has added a feature where creators can post short-form content on their platform, but I personally don't use it.

Source 3
When asked to do research for educational purposes, I often find myself going to The Washington Post. It's usually one of the first links that comes up when I search a specific topic on Google. The Washington Post offers articles about politics and important world events to stay updated on. They also offer opinion pieces, interesting information about pop culture, and much more. Overall, this is a great online newspaper. It's easy to navigate which is why I utilize it often and would recommend it to my peers.

Source 4
Another platform that I use to consume information is Apple Podcasts. For me, I pretty much always have something playing in my ear, and if it's not music, it's a podcast. I am a huge fan of true crime so I often listen to a podcast in the category. It helps me stay informed on current, ongoing cases as well as old, cold cases that may or may not be represented in the media. Additionally, I like to listen to podcasts about society and pop culture, as it helps me to feel more in the know.

Source 5
My final news source that I will be talking about is quite different than the previous four, as it--or they I should say--does not involve the use of technology. My final source is actually my parents. They are huge inspirations in my life, and if it weren't for them, I wouldn't be at High Point University right now. I trust their opinions and guidance, and I often talk to them about what is going on around me. My dad is very well-informed about international events as he works with people from all around the world on a daily basis. Additionally, he has traveled to multiple different countries with the company he works for. My mom, too, is very knowledgeable about current events, and she also keeps me updated on what is going on back in my home town--things that are more relevant in my day-to-day life. I am extremely grateful for my parents and seek their advice about various issues and topics, so it felt important for them to be included on my list. 

Picture of me and my parents

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